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Kia: the maker of Mommy cars. |
Mrs. Carol June Parker
November 15, 2011
Safe and Sound Hydraulics INC
507 N. Division Street
Spokane, WA 99323
To Whom it may concern:
Hello there. Hello sellers of hydraulic equipment. What a lofty profession you are in. Your mothers must be so proud of what you do. I can only hope that you take pride in your own work. It is so important I am sure. Well it must be since it is so imperative that you keep your parking lot (six spaces if I counted right) free and clear of all non-hydraulic business. My goodness, if someone that needed their hydraulic equipment fixed were unable to choose from any of those 6 spots, most of which I noticed were empty most of the time, then my goodness gracious, the world would come to a grinding halt. You people are holding the fate of the world in your hands!! Aren’t you? Maybe you are the first stop for Jesus Christ when he returns to earth? Is that why you have to have all of your spaces open? He must need to drive a stretch limo right?
The reason I am asking all of these questions is because on December 11, 2011 you, meaning one of your employees, decided that your holy parking lot had been defiled and that the offensive vehicle had to be removed by a tow truck. The unholy vehicle was a blue, 2011 Kia Sedona. A Mini-van. A Mini-van with a child’s safety seat in it. You see, you did not tow a drug dealers clunky- meth-stained-used condom and needle filled car away from your precious place of business. You hauled away a MOMMY CAR!!!!!!!!!!!
What is a MOMMY CAR you ask? I am not surprised that you have this question. From your actions I must assume that all of you were test tube babies and raised by robots that used hydraulics. Right? You are all clones created by the robots to maintain them. Let me explain to you what a MOMMY CAR is. A MOMMY CAR is a home on wheels designed not only to transport a mother and her child or children to and from places outside of the home but it is also there as a form of protection. A MOMMY CAR is an extention of a mommy, her weapon of choice to defend her children from the world. It has things like bandaids, extra diapers, extra wipes, gold fish snacks, juice boxes, the child’s favorite toy, cell phones, emergency cash, mace, blankets, shovels, books to read, the favorite music of the child, ect., ect.. All of these are in addition to the very important function mentioned before and that is A WAY HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you towed that blue, 2011 Kia Sedona, that MOMMY CAR, away, you intentionally put that car’s driver, my friend Penny in peril. You also put my friend Penny’s son Clayton’s life in harms way. Do you understand that a child must sit in a child’s car seat when riding in car? How was Penny supposed to get Clayton home? Were they supposed to walk? Did you even care? I can answer that question myself because I know that you did not. You knew that the Penny was next door at Spokane Gymnastics with Clayton because they are parked right next to you and it would have only take 30 steps to walk over and let the receptionist know that your company was going to tow away Penny’s car. My friend would have been very apologetic to you and moved it quickly and with remorse. You instead towed away the safety of a child and put a child and his mother in danger just so you could feel justified because they were taking up one of your precious parking spaces. My friend was lucky and had a husband to call who was able to pick them up with an extra child’s car seat. She then was blessed with a $215.00 for the towing of her car. Does that make you feel good? How many other mothers have you tried to destroy with your arrogant actions. Were they as lucky as Penny? How many single moms have you carelessly hurt? Moms that most likely scrape up what little extra money they have to get gymnastics lessons for their children, to support the dreams of their precious kids and then you go and smash them with this towing away business and they go in debt in order to retreive their cars. Then they lose their homes because they can’t pay the rent and then they are all on the street. When they are all homeless can they pitch a tent in your parking lot? Or would you tow them away then too?
I am just a simple mother. I have no idea how to get justice for my friend from people like you. Let me warn you though:
There are many things in this world that will bring bad Karma on someone. Towing away a MOMMY CAR when you could have clearly warned that mommy is one of them. I do believe that one of the secret chapters in Dante’s Inferno had a special level of hell just for people that do what you did. I do not know how you can go to sleep at night. I hope the hydraulic robots put a special dreamless sleep potion in your IV drip before you turn out the light in your cage.
I will never bring my hydraulic needs to your place of business.
Disrespectfully yours,
Mrs. Carol June Parker
Way to go Lawra!