Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Congrats to the Third Place winner Nina Fluegal for Chocolates and Candy. This was so different than anything I received and such a polished poem that I wanted to include it in the winners. Here is Nina's explanation for the poem: My submission in this contest is a poem of mine, and it is my intention to create a children's book with it


I think they are dandy, fine chocolates and candy,
So good that I have some each night!
The velvety texture of sweet, blissful goodness,
Brings my taste buds to life with delight!

I don’t mind if it’s square, nor oval, or round,
If it tickles my tongue, it can be found
Inside my mouth, just munching away,
Like there’s no tomorrow, there’s only today!

Whether crunchy or crispy, or nutty, or plain,
Not to have any chocolate would drive me insane!
Those big yummy raisins all covered in brown,
I need some this instance, to help calm me down!

Oh, hard candy with swirls, tastes of strawberries, too,
If you get me a handful, I will share them with you!
We can both have some fun! Our tongues would be pink,
Or purple, or red, so what do you think?

Belgian chocolates are great, made of thick, sweet cream;
Take my senses away; I am left to dream…
Of a place, where the whipped cream looks like large mountains,
And dark chocolate flows freely, from gigantic fountains!
I sit by the side of a house made of cake,
As I dunk my whole hand into a chocolaty lake…
Now I’m covered in fudge, as I lift up my arm,
It runs down my elbow, still sticky and warm!

Red licorice vines dangle from tall gumdrop trees,
Their bark made of almonds, right up to my knees!
Great animal cookies stand guard at the gate,
To the Gingerbread Gardens, let’s not be late!

The spicy aroma of a peppermint stick
Leaves my mouth slightly wishing I had one to lick!
As I enter the passage to the meadow ahead,
I see mounds, no, haystacks, of warm Gingerbread!

The familiar scent fills my nose with great joy,
Like a child, that awaits a long wanted toy!
I run for the stacks of this heaven’s delight,
But I stumble and fall, and awake! Oh, what fright!

I open my eyes, still wary from trance,
Of this wonderful dream, that I had the chance
To be in a land, full of chocolates and candy,
I told you this story so you’ll see they are dandy!

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