I started a food diary and it sort of turned out like this.
A food diary should always picture bacon |
Oct. 20th
Okay Brad, it’s time. Not gonna gain holiday weight this year. Gonna log all my meals, hold myself accountable.
Breakfast - Oatmeal
Lunch - ham sandwich, apple
Dinner - Chicken breast salad
Sin of the day (SOD) - handful of M & M’s from a March of Dimes vending machine
Oct 21
Second day - pluggin away.
Breakfast - Yogurt with Granola
Lunch - 4 hard boiled eggs and a banna
Dinner - Salad
SOD-VFW vending machine Mike and Ike’s
Oct 23
I forgot to enter yesterday, but good livin is paying off! Lost four pounds in three days. Wow! I think most of the junk food is out of my system. My energy level is really high and I feel really focused. Did an ab workout first thing in the morning. I have a lot of energy. Even though it’s late, I think I’m going to go for a run. Keep it going Brad. You’re doing great!
Breakfast - Egg whites, whole wheat toast
lunch - tuna sandwich, peach, granola bar.
Dinner - Chef salad
SOD - Mentos from the Shriners vending machine. Coffee overload.
Oct 24
No Weigh-in.
Okay I guess it was time for a set back. Had a hard time sleeping last night. Slept through my alarm clock and was late to work, my boss gave me an ass-chewing first thing in the morning. It was NOT a good way to start off so I skipped breakfast forgot my lunch.
Breakfast - skipped
Lunch - Arby’s French Dip
Dinner - Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket
SOD - melted King-Sized Reese’s Peanut butter cup and put in my coffee, 8 Mr Pibbs.
Oct 29
Have not had a good past couple of days. Honestly I forgot all about my food journal. I pigged out yesterday at the company Halloween party when Jerry asked me to help set up and we smoked some weed. Today I tried to get back on the horse, but it’s been tough. I tried to go for run, but kept throwing up bits of the Taco Bell Dorito taco I ate on the way home.
Breakfast - Chex.
Lunch - Okay, this is where things went bad. I had an egg salad sandwich, but ate a second lunch when Jerry offered to buy me lunch. He insisted we go to the Chinese Buffet where he kept daring me to eat things. Not sure what exactly I ate, but he was buying, so I had to eat. The food gave me really bad gas during an afternoon meeting.
Dinner - Taco, but I threw it up.
SOD- Runts and Shockers and Boston Baked Beans from the vending machines at the Less Schwab next to our office.
Nov. 3
Okay the good news is I lost the weight I gained from binge. The bad news is I’m smoking again and absolutely swamped at work. I’ll do better with my journal this week! Promise! Pinky Swear! You can do this Bradley! As far as the cigarettes go, I’ll quit (again) after this pack. Jerry offered to buy me a beer after work and I confessed I’m trying to lose weight. He said he lost weight using Trim Slim tablets and had some left he’d give me. Score!
breakfast - Tomato juice, cereal
lunch - granola, ham sandwich, banana
dinner - chicken breast, noodles.
SOD - Astro caffeine chocolates from the MS machine
Nov 15
I haven’t been good keeping up with this journal, but I’ve been living clean. Except the smoking. I bought a couple packs, but it’s not like I’m smoking all the time. Also Jerry gave me diet pills and they are really doing the trick!
Breakfast - grapes, egg
Lunch - homemade bean burrito, almonds
Dinner - asparagus, 3 pieces of lean bacon
SOD - Red Bull from Soda machine.
Nov 20
I’m not gonna beat myself up if I don’t keep with this journal or if my weight is a little off. It’s unhealthy to obsess. I’ve stopped having cravings and started a running routine! I’m done with cigarettes, but I’m afraid my pills are almost gone. Jerry said they’re banned now. Noooo! I’m gonna miss those suckers when they’re gone! Haha.
Breakfast - 5 Hour Energy, banana
Lunch - forgot to eat - I’m killing it at work.
Dinner - Grabbed a cup of coffee and a steak before I went on a run.
SOD- Two sugar gumballs from Safeway vending machine. They went through an awesome machine. It was AWESOME!!!.
Nov. 29/30
OKAY!...... SO! I made it through Thanksgiving without binging. YEAH! Actually I sorta forgot it was Thanksgiving because I was up all night taking apart my Television set. Jerry hooked me up with some new diet pills. THEY ARE THE BEST EVER...
Breakfast - scrambled eggs.
Lunch - Some new guy at work gave me his Pad Thai leftover (score!)
Dinner - Scrambled eggs
SOD - Every Mike and Ike out of that VFW vending machine.
Dec. 20
Well I guess I see who my real friends are. I got fired a week before for “leaving my clients hanging.” Such Bullshit. Jerry split all my old clients with the Pad Thai guy. Now, when I really could go on a binge, Jerry is telling me I have to pay double for new pills. What a “friend.” Bullshit! I’ll get them somewhere else. I don’t need Jerry, I don’t need a stupid, soul-sucking job or fake friends. I don’t need anyone.
Breakfast - Free coffee at the casino.
Lunch - Bar peanuts. Pretzles, 4 Scotches, remaining pills.
Dinner- Scrambled eggs
SOD - Casino sodas
Sept. 15.
Reading this really shows me how quickly things spiraled out of control. I’ve been sober for four months now and it’s time to lose the “recovery weight.” Gonna hold myself accountable! Gonna get through the holidays without any binges. You can do this Brad!